A rich forest in the north
Sweden is one of the world's most densely wooded countries. Half of the forests are owned by private people. A quarter by big forest companies. With a big forest resource and low population density, Sweden is thus an important supplier of wood to Europe.
Forest area:
28 million hectares = 62%
Annual fellings:
95 million m3
National forest cooperative organisation
Sweden has four forest owners associations. They collaborate through the Federation of Farmers Forestry Division – LRF Skogsägarna. The Federation’s activities focus on matters of common concern to the affiliated associations, e.g. forest policy, international issues, information and education. The six associations have together nearly 90 000 members with 6 million hectares of forests.
Traditionally such ownership is called “private forestry”, but on an international level this concept also includes corporate ownership. For that reason the forest owners’ associations in the Nordic countries use the word “family forestry” to denote private ownership on family level. Women constitute 38% of forest owners. Today more than one third of forest owners live in a municipality other than the one where their woodland is situated. About 150 000 forest owners are members of one of Sweden’s four forest owners associations. Taken together they amount to almost 90 000 pieces of afforested land. The average size of a family owned piece of such land is 45 hectares.
Head of the Board: Mr Sven-Erik Hammar
Managing director: Magnus Kindbom
Web site: www.lrf.se/skogen/ www.nordicforestry.org
Mail contact: info@skogsagarna.lrf.se
LRF Skogsägarna
Franzengatan 6
SE-105 33 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel number: +46 87 875 400
For more information about the LRF, please see their presentation below.