Cooperation of Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish forest owners’ federations began in 1946. A common office was opened in Brussels in 1995 when Finland and Sweden joined the European Union.
Nordiska skogägarorganisationernas förbund - NSF
A close cooperation between the Nordic forest owners´national organisations started in 1946, when NSF was founded. NSF member organisations are Danish Forest Association (Dansk Skovförening), National Forest Cooperative Organisation in Sweden (LRF), Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners in Finland (MTK) and Norwegian Forest Owners' Federation (Norsk Skogeierförbund). NSF organisations have several annual meetings and they have a common strategy and goals for the EU advocacy.
Since 1995, when Finland and Sweden joined the European Union, the organisation has been represented at EU level in Brussels by a joint lobbying office, Bureau of Nordic Family Forestry. NSF Advisor works in Brussels as a part of the team of the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) strengthening the common voice of forest owners in Europe. In addition, NSF Advisor coordinates and works in daily basis with national experts from NSF member organisations.
NSF follows and advocates closely forest-related policy developments in the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee, as well as relevant processes on pan-European and global level with special focus areas on climate, energy, bioeconomy and circular economy.

Partner of the Confederation of European Forest Owners
The Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) is the umbrella association of national forest owner organisations in Europe. Representing family forestry in Europe, CEPF promotes the values of sustainable forest management, private property ownership and the economic viability of the forest sector. Based in Brussels, CEPF is a non-profit organisation, representing nearly 16 million forest owners. These are private individuals, families and cooperatives, which take care of approximately 60% of the European forest area.