Forest at the seaside
Having experienced a decline in forest area to a low 3% at the end of the 18th century this development was brought to an end. Today Denmark's forest area covers about 11% and is still increasing. Today the forests are managed as multiple-use forests, timber production still being the main output of the private forests, but also hunting, conservation and recreation increasing in importance. Due to windthrow in spruce plantations and a general decline in the profitability of this species, the species distribution is now changing towards the broad-leaved.
Forest area:
0.62 million hectares = 15%
Annual fellings:
3.2 million m3
The Danish Forest Association
The Danish Forest Association, founded in 1888, is the official organisation representing the interests of forest owners in Denmark. Major working fields are: Forestry related legislation, taxation, forest economics, timber trade, timber marketing, advice to owners and information to the public.. The Danish Forest Association publishes the leading Danish forestry journal « Skoven ».

Head of the Board: Niels Iuel Reventlow
Managing director: Jan Søndergaard
Web site: -
Mail contact:
Dansk Skovforening
Amalievej 20, 1875 Frederiksberg C.,
Copenhagen, Danmark
Tel number: +45 33 244 266
Forestry in Denmark